An Exciting Time for This Future Paradox



If you are ready, it is an exciting time for this future paradox.

To change our future, we must change our past.

I know we can’t change our past. However, we can alter our perspective of the past by assigning it a new significance.

Everything Does Happen for a Reason

I have always said everything happens for a reason. Although I believe it to be accurate, I did not put feeling behind the words. When saying it, I was only using words at the moment to make myself or others feel better. However, the truth is that everything does happen for a reason. For example, quitting a job in the heat of the moment may have felt like a bonehead move, but there was a reason. Everything you have done has brought you to this moment. For me, it has brought me to the point at which I am writing this article.

If we are looking for a better future, then we must consider our past. We need to believe in our past and where it has brought us. Relabeling our past as faith and deciding that our past is not anger, regret, or even happiness is a good place to begin.

We must have faith that we are right where we need to be. Faith that we can change our future by having faith in our past. Faith that we can structure our past the way we want our future to be.

First, we must look at the paradox that in this present moment, we are not only creating our future, but we are also creating our past.

Understanding that the present moment encompasses the past, present, and future allows us to shape our past and future to our liking. So from this moment forward, we can create the past we want to live from.

We have already lumped and labeled our old past into faith. Our new past will be fun to create. How do we get to create the past we want? We will create it in the future.

The Future Is Ours to Create

Dr. Joe Dispenza says most people live from their past. We subconsciously live from our past, which we have labeled good or bad. The subconscious mind uses our past to create our future. The good news is that the subconscious mind does not know if something is real or imagined.

Are you still wondering how to create your past in the future? Since in the present moment, we are creating our future and past, and since our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined, it will be easy and fun.

Using our Imagination is a great way to create not only our future but also the past we want to live from. Imagine the life you want and feel the feelings of gratitude for this life.

Using Our Imagination to Create Our Future

Sit or lie in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine the future you want. The body, the home, the love, the job. Imagine it, and put yourself there. Feel gratitude for these things you want as if they are already yours. Put your heart and mind in a state of coherence. To do this, focus on your heart, and breathe slowly until it feels natural. Remember the feeling of gratitude and bring it into your awareness. Feel it in your heart and your body. Now come back to your present body.

Bring with you the coherence you have created between your heart and mind. The sense of coherence you have created not only exists in the present but also in the future and becomes a part of your past. This is the future paradox. We have created our past in the future and can now create our future from this past. Isn’t that a better feeling to create your future from? Do this exercise as often as possible. The subconscious mind, not knowing that this was only your imagination, will find ways to make it true. It will create experiences for you that are in alignment with your imagined future, and the next thing you know, you will be waking up in the future you just created and blessing your past for getting you there.

I Remember When

There is another way to create your past from your future, in the words of Nevil Goddard’s lecture “I Remember When.”

During this lecture, Mr. Goddard encourages the listeners to complete the sentence “I remember when” with their own experiences.  The premise behind this statement is that one should put themselves in a state of having everything one wants.

By feeling it is yours, using your imagination to create your vision of living the life you want. You not only need to visualize it, but you must feel it and be grateful for it. Once you are in this state, say to yourself, I remember when I didn’t have this thing I wanted. For example, you want to be skinny, rich, or whatever it is you want your future to be. Look into the mirror and see whatever version you want to create, looking back. Not only see that version of yourself but feel how happy you are when you look into the mirror and see that version.

We know how to do this. When we lose weight and like what we see, we love to look into the mirror and see our progress. Once you feel that joy, say to yourself I remember when I was heavy or when I hated to look into the mirror and did not like what I saw. You convince your subconscious mind that you are skinny by saying I remember when. Your subconscious mind will encourage you to eat right and exercise to maintain the way you feel about yourself now.

We need to keep a positive mindset and utilize visualization or language to shape our desired future.

The Future is Yours

Feeling something you don’t have at the moment sounds more challenging than it is. If you genuinely want something, you can feel your way to it. It is possible. Faith and gratitude are all you need.

I believe it’s better to mold your past according to your future goals rather than letting your past have complete power over your future with no say from you. With this future paradox, I believe we can work on creating the life we have envisioned for ourselves.

Wishing you bliss!

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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