Do You Want to Be a Victim or a Warrior?



First, what is a victim, and what is a warrior?

The Victim Persona

The victim gets angry quickly. Blaming the world, God, their family, their boss and coworkers, and the place they live for all their problems. They have not learned to take responsibility for themselves. Comparing their lives to others is a constant. They envy what others have and do not understand why they don’t have what they want.

The victim persona can be easily set off. This person may be offended by what someone says to them and may take constructive criticism the wrong way.

They may choose not to be a victim in public. However, looking in the mirror, they see a victim looking back at them.

The victim persona is letting the past control who they are.

Do You Want Your Past to Control You?

You may say how dare you say something like that to me. You don’t know what I have been through.

I may not have been through your situation, but I have been through some of the worse things a child and a woman can go through. Choosing to pull out my warrior shield in both cases, I was only vulnerable with a significant few in my life. I am not trying to be a victim here; I am only telling you so that you understand that I have an understanding of some of the terrible things in life that may turn a person into a victim. They also have the choice to be a warrior. They can use their situation to help others. It is a choice they must make, and no one can tell them what or how they should feel or do. There is no judgment coming from me.

The Choices We Make

Sometimes, we choose to be a victim of ourselves. In other words, we focus on our mistakes instead of our successes. Most people will make one small or large mistake amongst much success. However, the attention keeps going to that one mistake. If you focus on that mistake instead of your success, you are choosing to become a victim to yourself. You made a mistake, so what? Everyone makes mistakes. We are all humans, and making mistakes is part of the human experience. Use it as a positive experience that can improve your future.

I will dare to tell you that if you choose to believe you are a victim, that is what your life will bring you.

The good news is that we can pick up our warrior shield daily and leave the victim persona behind.

Warrior Persona

The warrior is the person who understands that life is not to fear—the person who chooses what direction they want to go every day. Yes, there may be setbacks. However, they can choose to go around them or through them.

The warrior will realize that the past is exactly that, the past. They have chosen to look at that past with faith. Faith that it has brought them to this point in their life. A point where they can now create a great future for themselves.

By not dwelling on the past from the point of view of a victim but as a warrior, the future can be bright. Ok, that happened, it wasn’t very good, but it is in my past. What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this? How can I help myself and others because of this?

Victim vs. Warrior

I have played both the victim and the warrior. Most people have. There are things in our lives that, when we look in the mirror, we ask why this happened to us. How come I have to go through that? Why are they mean to me? Why is life so unfair? How come I don’t have what I want?

Unfortunately, we cannot play both the victim and the warrior and succeed. Our subconscious will only understand how we feel. Let’s face it, if you are playing the victim, that is genuinely how you feel. That old saying, “fake it till you make it,” will only work if you feel it too. It really should be “Feel it till you make it.” You can pick up the warrior shield as you go out into the world and appear strong, but if you do not feel strong, you cannot fool the only person who matters: You and your subconscious.

So how do you put the victim costume away for good? You must always choose to be the warrior and feel the warrior. You must turn your past into something you can embrace and grow from. I am not saying what happened to you is not horrible, but you must find a way to see your past as a learning lesson, and as bad as it was, have faith that it did happen for a reason.

Planet of Warriors

Wouldn’t a planet full of warriors be a better place than a planet full of victims? We do not need to have both victims and warriors to be a better place. If the Earth were full of warriors, everyone would see how all people are truly equal and live on the planet for the betterment of humanity and Mother Earth.

It would indeed be a place of magic and beauty. It would be the most peaceful place one can imagine.

Remember that no one has control over you but you. You get to choose!

How will you face your day? Do you want to be the victim or the warrior?

Wishing you bliss!

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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