
I must free myself.
I could not understand why I could not find what I had been looking for.
Every time I moved forward, I would move further behind.
I thought my heart had been on lockdown, but my heart is love, and I would never do anything to hurt me. I thought maybe my soul was restraining me, but my soul loves to fly free, in our beautiful world.
I finally realized it was my mind that had jailed me.
But when I examined the jail, I realized the bars were only in front of me. If I looked behind me, I could go as far as I chose. If I looked at the sides, I realized I could go around the bars.
The jail was simply my mind playing tricks on me.
So, I went around the bars and then examined each bar individually.
There was a bar of fear.
A bar of not being loved.
A bar of unhappiness.
A bar of hurt and pain.
A bar of being unintelligent
A bar of not being enough.
All these bars put me in a false jail of unworthiness.
I have always had the power to destroy all of these bars.
False Jail

Fear, fear of what? Of living? That fear will certainly destroy my life, but it is a false fear I have placed on myself—a fear I did not deserve. No one should ever fear living.
Being unloved, why should I feel unloved? I come from love, and I am love. All the love I need is within me. We all have that love; more importantly, we deserve to love ourselves. We don’t need permission. It is who we are.
Unhappiness: why did I choose to be unhappy? I kept looking outside myself for happiness When I had been carrying it all along. I had folded it away for another day. I tucked it away and forgot it was right there for me to choose. Maybe things have not worked out as planned, but that should not cause unhappiness. Every cloud has a silver lining; if something does not work out, it is because there is something better for me behind the next door.
Hurt and pain. Physical hurt and pain can happen, but I cannot jail myself because of it. Emotional hurt and pain are temporary. It is up to me to stay in the hurt and pain, locking myself in, or I can choose to go through it or around it. I must consider it a lesson, not a way of life.
Unintelligent, please! Everyone has some form of intelligence. All intelligence does not come from a book; some are innate, and others come from living. I may not be a genius, but I can learn and grow. I can survive and one day thrive.
Enough, what is enough? I do not need to be enough to fit someone else’s definition. I only have to be enough to fit my definition.
Free Myself

So, that jail of unworthiness can no longer keep me as a prisoner.
I am free, and I have found myself.
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