Laugh Challenge



Do you find yourself going through your day without laughing?

It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of life and forget to laugh.  Between work, school, family obligations, commuting, and keeping up with current events, we can quickly lose sight of the joy and humor that makes life worth living.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughing is essential for us to maintain a healthy life. 

Norman Cousins said: “Laughter serves as a blocking agent.  Like a bullet-proof vest, it may help protect you against the ravages of negative emotions that can assault you in disease.”

We become much more relaxed when we laugh.  Besides relieving stress and tension when we laugh, we can take in more oxygen.  As we all know, oxygen is essential for life and helps relax our muscles.  Laughing will enhance the release of endorphins and stimulate our hearts and lungs.

Your heart rate and blood pressure can level out with a hearty laugh.

There are also many beneficial long-term effects that laughter can have on our lives.  Significantly improving our immune systems and mood are among these long-term benefits.

Laughter is also known to help people recover from cancer. There are reports of people who often choose to laugh while recovering from cancer and endorse laughter as part of their healing. 


Want to enhance your relationship?  Laugh! 

All relationships benefit from laughter.  Laughing with your friends and family is a must to maintain a quality relationship. 

There is often a strain on the relationship when there is no laughter.  For example, without laughter in the relationship, it could feel like you cannot be yourself.   While laughter, in some situations, cannot be the focus of the moment, it is imperative that people feel at ease.  A quick laugh at the beginning of a meeting or a lesson may help to lighten the mood and help people to be more approachable and relate to one another.

Laughing with children will help them to be more extroverted and help them interact positively with others throughout their lives.

 Laughter and Sex

Additionally, when couples laugh together, their relationship is more satisfactory.

As a result, laughing during sex will enhance the intimacy between a couple.  To put it another way, if you are not laughing during sex, try it.  Your relationship will become more intimate, and your sex life will be more enjoyable and possibly more frequent. 

Therefore, if you find your relationship has stalled, or your sex life is far and few between, bring laughter into the relationship.

I am not talking about criticizing each other.  Be sure that you are laughing together, not at each other. 

Laugh at Yourself

While we are talking about laughing, it is essential that we also laugh at ourselves.  We cannot take everything seriously.  Plus, it will help to improve our self-esteem.

For example, I often walk into the walls of the house I am currently living in.  I laugh it off and ask why I forgot to return the walls where they belong.  I also drink too quickly, so I often spill my drink all over myself.  Therefore, I have to keep reminding myself how to use my lips. 

We need to be able to laugh at ourselves.  We are human, and all humans err.  Next time you do something you would typically berate yourself for, find some way to make yourself laugh instead.


We are fortunate that there are many ways for us to laugh.  One of my favorites is watching a clip from a Carole Burnett episode.  I miss variety shows, primarily because they were filmed in front of a live audience, and mistakes became part of the show.  The improv often improved the laugh factor

There have been many comedies that have made me howl with laughter, too.  Sometimes, I will watch an episode repeatedly, and suddenly, I will laugh uncontrollably, even though I only gave a smile or a quick haha in the past.  Sometimes, you must be in the right frame to find something funny.

Also, listening to a baby laugh may not make you laugh, but it will put you in a better state of mind and possibly bring a smile to your face.

There are also many websites set up to make you laugh.  Here are a couple more in addition to the links highlighted in the text:

I am sure you can find something that makes you laugh.  These are just a few that I love and make me laugh to the point that I cry. 

Laughter Challenge

My challenge is to laugh once an hour during your waking hours.  If you must set a time to remind yourself, then do so. 

Do this for a day; if your mood has improved, double up and do another two days.  Once you get through those two days, double again and start another four days.  Every time you complete the challenge, start a new one that doubles the number of days you have just completed.

You will be amazed at how your life, health, and sex life will transform into an enhanced life.

Laughter is a gift that we can give our bodies and souls.

This challenge will benefit you and your friends, family, and our beautiful world.  People will notice your improved vitality and want to know what you are doing.  They will also want to take on the challenge when you tell them you laugh once an hour.

4 responses to “Laugh Challenge”

  1. Gnu too Avatar
    Gnu too

    LOLing even if I don’t want to; It’s your fault!
    I’ve been too busy to laugh, but reading your challenge again today, I am going to set the alarm to laugh … but not once an hour. That might result in too much happiness! 🙂
    “Ees a joke!” 🙂 Maybe once every four hours. (You better be laughing at this cause I’m trying hard to be funneee.)
    Cereally, tanx for another of your terrific inspirational thoughts. BTW: love your recent “Angel coffee” challenge. 🙂

    1. Perian Avatar

      I did laugh.
      I hope you continue to laugh.

  2. Gnu Year :) Avatar
    Gnu Year 🙂

    Not that you need them since you provide many really great originals (laughs AND inspirations), but I love your links!

    1. Perian Avatar

      First thank you, I am trilled that you find laughter and inspiration in my words.
      I am happy you enjoyed the links. I thought they could be an extra layer of fun when someone needs a good laugh.
      As I said these make me laugh until I cry.

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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