When I say life-enhancing, what comes to mind?
You may also ask, “How Can I make this planet a more Beautiful World?”
Do you think about having fun with your friends? Family time, playing games? Is it about decorating or organizing? Maybe it is alone time with a good book or meditation? Is it your connection to spirit? Or could it be an aspect of all these things? Can you make this planet a more beautiful world by enhancing these aspects of your life?
I am sure many people say, “Money, money will enhance my life.” Of course, it will, but that is not what I want to focus on. Money has its place and purpose, but life should not revolve around money.
I want to focus on the way we live our lives. We can live an enhanced life through being kind, considerate, cooperative, and respectful of ourselves, others, and our beautiful planet.
Coherency Leads to Enhancing
Enhancing our lives occurs when we start living and thinking from our hearts instead of our heads.
While working to get my blog published, I kept getting stuck. I finally realized I was writing from my head and not my heart. I had to send my ego off to the beach so that I could go to my heart for inspiration and guidance. After all, that is where my Angels dwell.
I am sure some of you have heard of Heart/Mind Coherence by now. (If you have not heard of this coherence, I highly recommend you check out the HeartMath Institute.) Coherence is when your heart is in union with your head.
In my opinion, the brain in our hearts is much more intelligent than the one in our heads. It comes from Spirit and resides in Spirit. When we can create coherence between the two, our lives become enhanced.
Egoic Self
Many of us may live from our heads and ego, but do we need to or even want to?
The Heart and Higher Self can get us much further in life. When we are living from our hearts, we are much happier, and there is less unnecessary anger.
One of the things we must realize is that everything we think and say not only affects us but can also affect the world. You may ask, “How can I affect the world because I am angry?” Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt a vibration?
When I was in the worst mood I had ever been in, a baby looked at me and started screaming; this surprised me because, typically, children love me. This was the first time I realized how much my mood affects others.
Since our energy radiates out from us, it can affect others. Being mindful of this, it is essential to interrupt negative feelings and move into a positive mood.
Sometimes, that may seem impossible, but it is not. What we must do, is find something, anything, in our lives that we are grateful for. As we focus on that, we will begin to smile. When we are smiling, it is difficult to be negative.
The High Vibration of Our Higher Self
The good news is that a positive mood also affects the world. If we could all choose to be kind all the time and not overreact, we could inspire changes that will change the trajectory of this world.
When there is enough good energy being put into the world, when people are feeling their Warrior Persona instead of a Victim Persona, then the world is vibrating at a much higher frequency. We can’t help but feel the good vibrations and positivity. However, if the opposite is true and people feel they are victims, the frequency will be lowered. This then leads to anger and negativity.
No one in this world is a victim unless they choose to be. You may have been victimized, and something horrible happened to you. However, do you want to live as a victim for the rest of your life? Is that how you want to see your future?
Living an Enhanced Life
Our personal feelings about ourselves and our self-esteem also affect how we interact with life and how enhanced our lives can be.
Why would we not see ourselves for the beautiful souls that we are? We are created of divine light and beauty. We must choose to keep recognizing that beauty.
Challenging Ourselves to a Higher Vibration

When we challenge ourselves, we can stay in a higher vibration and, therefore, begin healing. I like to do my challenges for 21 days. They (who are they, anyway?) say it takes 21 days to turn something into a habit. Since most challenges are for the betterment of ourselves, it is probably reasonable to turn them into habits. I recommend starting with a positivity challenge and moving on from there.
Don’t you love to laugh? Laughing can raise our vibrations and cure us of many things. People have been known to cure their cancer through laughter. I still recommend you talk to your doctor about your health and care. Laughter can be an additional tool, and it is free and contagious.
My ego is back; give me a minute so I can show her she forgot to tan the backside. Alright, I’m back. I gave her a pitcher of margaritas. That should keep her quiet for some time.
Moving on. Decorating and organizing our homes are beautiful ways to enhance our lives. We smile when we look at the beautiful way we have chosen to decorate or organize our home. Little things, such as where the light goes or the Tupperware being organized, can reduce our stress levels. Lower stress equals higher vibrations.
Enhancing Life Organically
I like to add a higher vibration to my life and decorate my home simultaneously by adding house plants. Starting with one, you will see how your home’s vibration changes. I would not be surprised if you find it addictive. Not all addictions are terrible.
When I walk into someone’s home that is filled with green, I smile. I love houseplants. I have two plants that have been with me for thirty years and two others with me for at least fifteen years. One of them through its children and grandchildren. It has multiplied so many times I have been able to gift them to many people. I am unsure if I still have the original plant, but I love them all equally.
Along with house plants, organic gardening is a beautiful way to enhance our lives and an excellent way to reduce stress. I first realized this after having fought with one of my brothers. I went out to my garden and started weeding; within five minutes, I could not remember why I was angry at him, and to this day, I could not tell you why.
When we organically grow our food, we know that the vibration of the food we put into our bodies is good. There are no chemicals in the food. Through composting, we can improve the soil. Lovingly tending to our gardens is an excellent gift that we give to ourselves and Mother Nature.
Another way I love increasing my vibration is through drinking my structured water. Who knew that water would become my favorite thing to drink? Structured water is water that we have given a good vibration to. As we speak gratitude and high-vibrational words to our water, we also feel those vibrations flow through us. Treat your house plants and garden to this water and watch them thrive.
More Life-Enhancing Ideas
I cannot forget about exercising as another way to enhance our lives. I hate to admit it, but I fight exercising all the time. When I go to bed, I intend to get up in the morning and exercise, and then I don’t. I have had to turn exercise into one of my 21-day challenges to make it a habit. Working out always makes me feel better. It does not have to be an hour-long intense workout. I love my rebounder first thing in the morning; 20 minutes does it. I try to keep the intensity up while rebounding, but no matter what the intensity is, doing it dramatically affects my day.
If going for a walk is your choice, that is what you should do. Moving is all that matters—yoga, running, walking, weightlifting, or just standing on a vibration plate. It does not matter as long as you are moving. Moving helps increase your endorphins, which helps put you in a better mood. The better your mood, the better your vibration. The better your vibration, the higher your frequency.
Best Enhancement
I almost forgot. Pets and animals. How could I? It could be because, currently, I am not anyone’s human. Animals understand what life is all about. They know when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need exercise, and when you need a smile. Animals can give inspiration and increase our vibration. I may not be a fan of all kinds of animals. However, I respect the fact that they are all important to this world.

How Will You Enhance the World?
There are so many ways we can enhance our lives, the lives of others, and our beautiful planet. It all starts with the decision to be a more conscious person, to recognize our effect on the people around us, our effect on Mother Earth, how we manage our disappointments, and how we celebrate our victories.
Life is meant to be fun. When we lead an enhanced life, we enjoy every aspect of life more. We smile more, and we have more gratitude. Life is more blissful.
I hope you are inspired to find what will enhance your life and the world around you. I would love to hear how you plan to transform your life and enhance the world. Please comment below.
Wishing you bliss!
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