I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations. Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself. You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness, like holding the door open without expecting a thank you. You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world. Perhaps you have some untapped talent you may regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china. I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.
When we are considerate of others, it is more about who we are.
It is not difficult to be considerate. All we have to do is ask how we expect to be treated and treat others that way.
Sometimes, it is not easy to be considerate of others, especially if we feel they have disrespected us somehow. However, we should consider that maybe they are just having a bad day. No, this is not an excuse to be inconsiderate of others. However, for us to react with the same uncharitable behavior will not be a good outcome for anyone—especially the innocent bystanders.
Unfortunately, not everyone is taught to be considerate of others, and if they cannot learn how on their own, they may be able to learn by example.
There are many ways to show consideration for others, such as allowing someone to merge onto the highway in front of you or holding the door open for someone. Also, we can pick up trash in the park, and we can treat our servers and check out people with gratitude and compassion.
Consideration is essential to this beautiful planet and creating an enhanced life.
Today’s challenge:
Be considerate the next time someone wants to merge in front of you.

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