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Friends are essential in our lives.  If we are fortunate, we will have many throughout our lives.

Some will stay, and some will go. The important thing is they were there precisely when we needed them.  In other words, it does not always mean someone did something wrong when pals go separate ways; sometimes, the purpose that you came into each other’s life was met.

Friends help us to navigate our lives.  When we are young, our companions are the people we have fun with, tell our secrets to, and often make mistakes and learn with.

As we grow, our buddies are still the people we have fun with and can tell secrets to; however, we usually have words of wisdom for each other to prevent mistakes.

Subsequently, friends are our family, whether we are blood-related or not.  Ultimately, it does not matter if there is a blood relationship as long as you have each other’s back.

Often, life takes over, and we lose touch with our pals.  However, true friends will always be there for each other, even if years go by with little or no contact. 

Finally, if you are truly blessed, you will marry your best friend.

Today’s challenge:

Reach out to a friend that you have not spoken to in some time.

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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