Morning Coffee Recipe Great Day

I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations.  Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself.  You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness, like holding the door open without expecting a thank you.  You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world.  Perhaps you have some untapped talent you may regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china.  I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.  

Silver Linings

Every cloud has a silver lining.  Sometimes, we may not remember that; however, it is true.

Therefore, every challenge we come up against has a bright side.

We face challenges to learn and grow. Therefore, we must look for the silver lining and not throw our hands up in frustration.

Often, when we face these challenges, we cannot see how there will be a good outcome because we can only see what is happening at the moment.  However, if we stay vigilant, we will find good in every situation.

We may learn that we are more capable than we believe ourselves to be.  Or that another is not the person that we thought they were.  We may find someone that we thought we could count on is not reliable.  At the same time, we may have judged someone as a selfish person, but when it truly counted, they were willing to lend a helping hand. We can find the bright side of everything.

Silver linings can come in many forms.  We only need to look for them, and they will appear.

Today’s challenge:

Next time you are frustrated, take a step back and look for the silver lining.

6 responses to “Silver Linings”

  1. RF Avatar

    Love the fact that i can go back to a previous coffee when I “am needy”. Oy vey!
    Bottom line: some really terrific happenings regarding marketing my book!! Woo Hoo!

    However, looking for perfection … I found several errors on the very last page … which most people will not even visit.

    I reacted as though my world had crashed! With “look for the silver linings” hovering over my brain, I struggled to focus on the truly great results and instead I focused on the fact that it was not perfect. A few X!#&!?’s later, I came back to your coffees …and am now wrestling with what my wife calls, “A recovering perfectionist”? mentality.

    I ain’t there yet, but at least i am headed in the right direction. Thanks for sticking around.

    1. Perian Avatar

      I am glad that you find my words inspiring. I hope you come back often. I hope your book sells!

  2. A returning fan returned Avatar
    A returning fan returned

    Hope this is not getting too heavy but this is real life. I had a horrible experience yesterday which threw me into a tail-spin. Briefly, an editor popped into my life who will help me market my book on Amazon. That was the silver lining; however, in preparing for that, I ran into two buzz-saws. Instead of focusing on the silver lining of the good experience, I fell into the abyss of the dark linings. Previously, I have gone back to p.118 of the book, The Shack: “His discovery that crashing wasn’t painful at all but a slow-motion bounce.” That did not work quickly this time, but then I remembered your silver lining advice and kept repeating, “The silver lining was finding SD”, and “SD is helping me now!”
    It is sometimes difficult to focus on the silver linings even when they are right in front of you!
    Repeat after me: “My silver lining is ….”

    1. Perian Avatar

      I’m sad you had a horrible experience. However, I am grateful that my words have inspired you.

  3. A returning fan Avatar
    A returning fan

    I have found that “Silver linings (not only) come in many forms,” but they often come in no discernible form, but more as a vague “Chees, I was distracted by the dark lining I was focused on and I missed the silver lining.”
    But as you wisely reinforce, it does come, not necessarily as I hoped it would and not on my desired schedule, and not in the form I was looking for but actually in an “improved version, form and time.” Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Perian Avatar

      You’re welcome.

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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