I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations.  Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself.  You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness, like holding the door open without expecting a thank you.  You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world.  Perhaps you have some untapped talent you may regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china.  I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.  


If baby birds can learn to fly by being pushed out of the nest, we can also learn to fly. 

Each day, we have an opportunity to soar, and we each get to determine how high we choose to ascend.

The cosmos are unlimited.  Therefore, we can ascend higher than we ever thought possible.

A new opportunity to soar higher than we did the day before comes with every day.  Yesterday, we may not have been able to get off the ground.  However, that does not mean that we are grounded forever.  

We can not allow past mistakes to ground us.  We must get up every day and see it as a new opportunity to soar further than we did the day before.   

As we soar further, we can see the world from a fresh perspective.  The further we go, the higher we go, the more beauty we enjoy.

While it may feel impossible sometimes to see ourselves soaring, we can climb as high as we want when we have faith in ourselves.

Today’s challenge:

Spread your wings and soar.

2 responses to “Soar”

  1. One of God's creatures Avatar
    One of God’s creatures


    Wow, really powerful! EVERY single line has so much substance: lessons, encouragement , self-motivating and reality-based “get up!”

    I am printing this so that I can have it as a reminder throughout my day …. it’s been a real roller-coaster! I need these reminders!

    I also return many times every day or two to your “I asked the flame why it danced so much …” THAT is one of the most powerful combinations of message and mystery in a stunningly beautiful visual! I especially love the unique way of calling out how the flame “replyed”! That special spelling reinforces in a very subtle way the action of the flame as not just dancing but importantly sending a message! Absolutely love it! Thank you!

    Thank you for both of these! … and may God bless you! Don’t let go of His hand! He IS there for you, and for me!

    1. Perian Avatar

      I am glad you enjoyed this so much. I have not added the flame to the inspirational gallery yet, but will soon. I did fix my mistake in the spelling, but I am glad that you found it unique.

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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