I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations. Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself. You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness, like holding the door open without expecting a thank you. You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world. Perhaps you have some untapped talent you may regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china. I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.
Stand Strong
People who bully are hurt people. Often, they do not see themselves as someone hurting, only that they can inflict hurt on others. They believe that it gives them power over others.
If we do not learn how to react to bullying, it could give the aggressor the power they seek. However, if we can stand strong in the face of a bully and be compassionate for the bully, we can take away their power over us.
To have compassion for someone intentionally trying to hurt you may seem impossible. However, if, at the moment, we can see ourselves as them and them as the person who hurt them, we may be able to stop the cycle.
Teaching our children to stand strong in the face of bullying is a gift each child should receive. Suppose we can teach them to respond compassionately by letting the bully know how they feel. Whatever the bully is teasing them about, they can turn it around by saying yes, hurt caused this situation, and I chose not to hurt others because of it.
Read more: Standing Strong in the Face of Bullying
Today’s challenge:
Turn your hurt into compassion.

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