I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations. Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself. You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness, like holding the door open without expecting a thank you. You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world. Perhaps you have some untapped talent you may regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china. I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.

She did not know she had an Angel residing within
She could only see her flaws
There was no perfection here. Therefore, there could not be an Angel near
Others saw the Angel within, but she refused to believe
Others told her she was an Angel, but she laughed
She would look into the mirror and see her mistakes and say
Angels don’t make mistakes. No, there is no Angel here
The Angel did everything to get her attention. Yet could not reach her
The Angel showed itself in her dreams, both sleeping and awake
Tapping her on the shoulder every time someone needed help
The Angel was sure to drop things in her path so she would pick them up
Then, one day, the Angel hung its head and closed its wings, not knowing what to do
When she looked into the mirror, she noticed the glow in her had dimmed. She questioned herself when she walked past someone in need and did not reach out. Why did I not stop to help?
It was then that she realized she had hurt the Angel within
She did not know she had an Angel residing within
Today’s challenge:
Talk to the Angel within you.

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