This Positivity Challenge can Help to Enhance Your Life



Is negativity a way of life for you? This positivity challenge may help you to enhance your life.

I often think to myself that I need to be less negative. I beat myself up over this.

When I finally sat down and thought about it, I realized I am not as negative as I think I am. Yes, I have my moments and those moments are loud. I mean loud. I yell, scream, cry, and throw temper tantrums. Unfortunately, my negative moments are not pretty.

Fortunately, I have a lot more positive moments than negative ones. For some reason, I hold on to negativity. I let the negativity define me.

I am unsure why I do this. Truly in an hour, I would say at least 49 minutes are positive. Unfortunately I will go to something negative during the other 11 minutes. I am unsure why. It is like my brain starts searching for something for me to get upset over. If it can’t find something in my recent past, it will go back 10, 20 even 30 years to find something to get upset over. It craves the negativity so much that it will invent things for me to get upset over. Need a positivity challenge much?

Spilt Milk

One time I was in such a downward spiral, I cried over spilt milk. I pulled a carton of milk out of the refrigerator and dropped it on the ground. It spilt everywhere. I started crying and having a temper tantrum over spilt milk. When I realized what I was doing, I had to laugh at myself. Yay! I broke the spiral. If I can catch myself during these times of negativity, I will laugh at myself. It works.

I know there are a lot of things in this world to get upset over, but there are many more things to smile at. All we have to do is look. This could be the reason so many people post pictures or videos of children doing something cute or of animals being loving. Wanting to be happy and live on the positive side of life, I believe is the goal for many of us. Life just gets in the way. What?

Greener Grass

How can life get in the way of being positive?

We are so consumed with the things we must get done. The things we think life is about. Working, cleaning, and studying. The competition of life. Really, why should life be a competition? Do we need to compare our lives with someone else’s life? Wouldn’t it be better to find the positive things in our lives to be happy about and be happy for the other person and the life they have? My guess is that they are probably envious of someone else’s life too, maybe even yours. It’s like that old saying “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” You go to the other side and look back at where you came from and wow, the grass is greener over there now. This is the perfect time for a positivity challenge.

Mindfulness through Visualization & Meditation

There are so many ways to be positive. Being Mindful is the best way. When I hear mindful, meditation comes to mind. That is the way so many people learn to control their minds. I still have not mastered meditation. Some days I do well at it, but most days I find my mind wandering off on its own.

I do believe meditation is the greatest helpful tool out there. It is a shame that most people are not taught to meditate as children. We learn better as children than as adults. All those quiet times in school when were told to put our heads down on our desks could have been better utilized for meditation. Teaching children how to do a Positivity Challenge is a great way to help children with their self-esteem.

Visualization of the outcome that you want is another great tool. If you want your life to change, you can visualize it the way you want it. I use visualization far better than meditation. I feel that visualization is a form of meditation. The difference is you get to control the direction it goes. To me, it is like daydreaming. I use it when I am sitting in a Dentist’s chair. I was having a root canal one time and spent the time visualizing the life I want. When the Dentist finished, he said to me, I have never had anyone so calm in my chair. I smiled because I enjoyed my time off visualizing exactly what I wanted.

What’s better than Gratitude?

I have this new little trick I use to stay positive. I place my open palms on top of my head lightly and then say positive words. The first and last words are always gratitude. I also use words like love, bliss, joy, creativity, kindness, positivity, energy, appreciation, peace, grace, and faith. There are other words too, but you get the jest. Find the words that resonate with you. You will know they resonate because you will feel a tingle in your crown chakra. I do this every night and morning in bed. I came across this when I was trying something else. This was just something I chose to try at the moment. I am so grateful I did. The tingle I got the minute I said gratitude. I knew I was on to something.


I challenge myself and you, the reader, to stay positive for 21 days. Twenty-one days because it takes twenty-one days to form a habit.

Some things you can implement to meet this challenge are:

Meditation / Visualization

Use your open palms on top of your head with positive words.

Catch yourself before you go to to far off the deep end. Laugh at yourself.

Check the grass from both sides of the fence.

Look for things to smile about, when you you are smiling you are in gratitude.

Do not beat yourself up, if you find yourself on the negative side of things. Be glad you caught yourself and shift to the positive side.

I am sure some of you have wonderful ideas on how to meet this positivity challenge. Please feel free to comment .

Wishing you bliss!

5 responses to “This Positivity Challenge can Help to Enhance Your Life”

  1. TUG Avatar

    Belated Thanksgiving note: I wanted to tell you that one of the things I am most thankful for this year is your blog. You will never know what a God-send this has been. What happened? Why were you off-line? Back to the present: thank you so much for always “being there” when I needed a word of comfort or some inspiration! TUG

    1. Perian Avatar

      Thank you for your inspiring words. This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for all my readers.
      Yes I had technical difficulties. Thankfully they all have been addressed and I am back.
      I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

  2. Anon Avatar

    WOW! Love all the challenges in this! I may not be back here for a while … gotta take care of at least a couple of the challenges.

    I am going to copy this and print it so I can tape it up where I can see it. (Before I print it, I am going to break it out into various challenges and prioritize them; there are at least ten in your paragraphs and ten in your “bullets.” I think I will add a 21st challenge, breaking them into “By when” I will set as a “Deadline.”)

    BTW, how do you do this? I would be really interested in your background for this blog of yours. There are inspirations in your blog that are comparable (sometimes better) than those I read in published books by well-know Motivational Speakers. Impressive and thank you.

    1. Perian Avatar

      I am happy you found this useful. Also glad that you have found extra challenges and adding to it. I have only given some suggestions to help along the way.
      How do I do this? I have lived. Simple, but after years of living and reading self help and watching inspirational tv, I take all of that in and take from it what resonates with me and disregard what I feel I cannot use at the time. Or I may put it aside, until it does resonate with me. I have found sometimes if I simplify what I take in, it makes more sense to me.
      My goal with this blog is to inspire where I can and to put kindness and love into the world.

  3. Barbara Chavez Avatar
    Barbara Chavez

    Love this

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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