


Revelations can come out of nowhere, or they can come during a meditation. Either way, I am always grateful for them.


While watching Aware on Gaia, I became aware of many profound thoughts.  Gratitude washed over me in a way I had never felt.

I suddenly looked at everything around me and realized that nothing in my space could be manufactured without nature.  Instead of seeing things in their manufactured end, I saw every molecule of everything.  The gratitude I felt was not for the end product but for the nature of the product.


Continuing my revelation, I looked at all my plants and thought about how grateful I am for them.  However, my thoughts went beyond them to the plants that we eat. 

I then considered how we eat plants and animals. My next revelation was that many people worry about our harm to animals but don’t give plants the same concern; both are alive.

My train of thought then led me to consider that, at one time and still at times, humans are food for some animals.


I then began to think that we are energy like every plant and animal.  Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be altered.  Therefore, when we consume plants or animals, they become part of our energy; when an animal eats a human, they become part of that animal’s energy.  When plants or animals, including humans, die, they become part of the earth’s energy, someday feeding another human in some form or another.


Our transformation will cycle through the circle of life once more.  Our ashes will settle into the beautiful planet.  As the soil becomes home to plants, the animals will eat the plants, and we will go from soil to plant, to animal, and in some cases to human once more.


Even without this transformation, with all Mother Nature does for us, we owe her the conservation of her beauty and intelligence. Many have not had this revelation yet. However, I expect everyone will at some point in their lives.

Therefore, we must be aware of how we manufacture products, including food, and how it will harm her.  As we manipulate the molecules of any natural product, we are taking away from the genius of Mother Nature.  Unfortunately, as molecules are manipulated, many manufactured products can devastate Mother Nature.

Mother Nature Genius

Fortunately, Mother Nature is strong. During the lockdown, many came to the revelation that she could heal herself.  However, that does not mean we can continue disregarding what is best for her.  What is best for her is also what is best for us.

Note:  I am not claiming that I have never harmed Mother Nature in one form or another, but that I am working on becoming a better custodian of her.

My Revelation

I am so grateful for the revelation I had. Although I have had many revelations, this one feels more profound than any others.

I have always tried to be a good person and a good human being, but I have failed many times at being my best.  Luckily, I get to keep trying until I get it right.  And if I don’t get it right in this form, hopefully, my following form will.

Wishing you bliss!

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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