The Gift and Blessing of Beautiful Water



We are very fortunate for the gift of water on our planet.


Has all the water on this planet always been here? I have not been able to determine if that is true. I have read articles saying Earth has a closed system, therefore the water that is here has always been here. Other articles I have read state that we are constantly forming new molecules and therefore forming new water. Articles that say hydrogen escapes the Earth’s atmosphere. My conclusion is we don’t know.

What we do know, is that we kill the water on this planet, when we run it through our pipes. We add chemicals to clean the water and make it safe to drink. That is because we have poisoned our atmosphere with other chemicals that end up in the water. There are also bacteria and viruses in water that we try to destroy before ingesting it.

One of the worst things we can do to water is to microwave it. We should limit the amount of microwaved water we consume or better yet not at all. I only put water in the microwave when preparing my neti pot and to clean my neti pot. I boil the water for my Neti pot, but I boil a quart at a time, To slightly warm it up for rinsing, I will use the microwave in this instance. You must be very careful if you are doing this so as not to burn yourself. You must decide for yourself if warming the water this way is good for you.

Even if we are not microwaving the water, we are still drinking dead water. Luckily, we can structure our water and bring it back to life. We must remember that the gift of water not only enhances our lives but gives us everything in this world life.

Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiment

Dr. Masaur Emoto’s experiment finds when water is exposed to positive feelings and words, it will form into beautiful crystals. It also finds when we expose the water to negative words and feelings, no beautiful crystals are being formed.

Dr. Emoto’s experiment proves that water, due to its ability to retain memories, can be structured positively. Therefore, we can improve the water with positive vibes, which may impact our wellbeing.

How do we Structure Water?

We can structure the water we drink and feed our house plants and pets, even the water we bathe in by speaking positive words to it.

I have to structure the water where I live. Unfortunately, it is not the best water. I use several stages of water purification to use the water in my house. There is a purifier on the sink line. I fill a Pur Water Pitcher and then pour it into a Pur Water Dispenser. I have written words of positivity on both containers. When I remember, I thank the water as it comes out of the faucet for the gift of life.

Here is a little more information on the Intelligence of water.

Experimenting with Purple Plates

I now have the aforementioned water pitcher and dispenser sitting on one. This is the water I use for my coffee, watering my house plants, making my ice, and adding to my humidifier water and bath water. Every time I pour a glass of water to drink, I also place it on a purple plate.

Things I have noticed since using the Purple Plates, are my pitcher and dispenser are much easier to clean. My coffee mug does not get the coffee stain and the stain that I have been unable to get rid of without using harsh chemicals has disappeared. The plants seem to be thriving. My coffee tastes better. The water I drink seems to be absorbed into my body much faster. These are just a few of the things I have noticed using the Tesla Purple Plates.

What are Tesla Purple Plates

These plates are said to emit positive energy. Nikola Tesla himself did not create these plates. The plates were given his name in appreciation from the creator Ralph Bergstresser. Mr. Bergstresser studied with Tesla and enhanced his learning of electricity. He studied frequencies for several years after Tesla’s death. He concludes that when a strong tachyon field is created it can enhance cell regeneration and spiritual growth. With this, he anodized aluminum and colored it purple, the healing spectrum of the rainbow. The Tesla Purple Plates were created. He never tested the plate because he knew it worked. He also never put a patent on his work. There are claims that the aluminum needs to be of certain sizes, something Mr. Begstesser never claimed.

These plates are believed to have more value than just structuring water.

They can help to enhance food, instill well-being in someone wearing or carrying one, and on the pets wearing them around their necks. They can also help heal sick house plants. It is also said that they can be used to heal injuries and burns. I have not had to use it in this way, so I do not know if that claim is true. This would not surprise me though, if it were true.

Oops, I got off subject. As you can see I get excited about trying things. Back to water.

Water: The Nectar of Life

As we all know, water is a necessity for life. Everything depends on water to live. Plants, animals, humans, and Mother Earth.

I appreciate water in all its forms as a gift. Looking out over a body of water, with the sun setting or rising over it. How beautiful the reflection of the sun is on water. The sounds of water: Rain, waterfalls, crashing waves, babbling brooks. The sound of birds enjoying the water. The laughter of children at a pool. the music of people at the beach. A beautiful snowfall. Soaking in a nice warm tub of water. A nice refreshing glass of water, anytime. Yes, water is not only a necessity of life but also a gift of love and enjoyment.

Next time you are about to take a sip of water, take a moment to appreciate it.

Wishing you bliss!

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Creating a life that is full of gratitude, joy, peace, laughter, and love. To have a positive attitude and a healthy life. Enjoying beauty in many forms.

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