I hope these thoughts give you something to ponder while you enjoy your morning beverage. As you go about your day, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your observations. Consider if there’s anything you can do to enhance your life, such as looking into the mirror and appreciating yourself. You may also find a way to make the world more beautiful with a simple act of kindness. Perhaps you can hold the door open without expecting a thank you. You may also want to consider if you have a gift to share with the world. Maybe you have some untapped talent you regret wasting, as we sometimes do with unused towels or our good china. I hope you find them enjoyable and return for more tomorrow.
Time of Chaos
I am lost in all the chaos
In the overwhelming toxicity
It is not eccentricity
Some want love, others want power
One to empower the other to devour
Now, this is no different than before
If we were to keep score
It is the way things have always been
It comes from within
But now it is intolerable
Not at all honorable
I’m sure in time before,
We were also vulnerable
to the insufferable
When will we learn
How can we learn
Is war the only way
Yes many say
But” no” is the truth
When we can see beyond our youth
Some may say after billions of years, we cannot remain young
But in infancy, our minds have clung
So in this hour
We let the ones with money yield all the power
But what is money
How funny
That we give value to this and not that
So we can go to combat
Why do we not see that
everything and everyone has value
Must we devalue
Will we ever learn, or are we to remain in infancy evermore
Today’s challenge:
Ask how you can help the world grow into the beauty it is meant to be.

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