Is it time to transform your life into an Enhanced Life?
How many books, posts, and memes have you read to transform your life?
Most of us do it. We read, and then we say ok, I understand, now my life should transform. But then it doesn’t, and we can be left feeling even lower than before.
You may be doing positive affirmations. You may be talking to your Angels and God or any Divine White Light you speak to. You may even get answers back from them, but something is still missing.
We may put love, kindness, and positivity into the world and still see no transformations in our lives.
It could be that we are not coming from our hearts when doing these wonderful things for this beautiful world. It may be that we are expecting to get rewarded for our kindness.
Reward Yourself
First, that reward should be coming from you and not the Universe. You should be proud of your actions and feel good about yourself. The love and kindness that you show should be its reward. You should have high self-esteem. I have been guilty of this; you open the door for someone, and they don’t say thank you, so you overreact and say you’re welcome anyway. You just took away the good. Yes, that person is inconsiderate or entitled, but that is because they are fighting their demons. Possibly, they may have just been distracted by something else. If you want to hold the door open, then do so and walk away with a smile, whether you got a thank you or not. You will be taking a step towards transforming your life.
The Universe tries to give us good, but our negativity keeps blocking it from manifesting. We don’t believe we deserve it. I know you are probably saying yes, I do deserve it. You are right, and you do deserve good. We all do. We were all put on this planet to enjoy and receive good things.
The issue is that even though we deserve good and are here to experience good, sometimes, we are afraid to accept it. If we accept it, we may lose it or have to do more to keep it. Negativity rears its ugly head.
How to Transform Your Life into an Enhanced Life
You only need to do two things to transform your life into the enhanced life you would like. The most important thing is to release all negativity from your life. The second thing is to have faith in yourself.
These two things may seem impossible, but they are not.
The reason I say you must first release all negativity is because it tends to lurk. You think you released it, but some still lurk just below the surface. This negativity keeps us from receiving the goodness the Universe has in store. It is like the hidden hand that keeps knocking the ball down right before it gets to us.
To release the negativity, we must stay vigilant. Always keep our focus. Every day, we must be grateful for all the good in our world. Not just the good for ourselves but for everyone else, too. Gratitude is negativities’ nemesis.
When we are grateful, we don’t have room for negativity. And there is so much to be thankful for, even the most minor things: The birds chirping, the butterfly that just flew before you. The smile on a child’s face. A baby’s laughter. The roof over your head, the running water, the electricity, the warmth or coolness, the green grass, the blooming trees and flowers. I can go on, but I think you understand. There is gratitude to be found all around you if you look for it.
Focus Your Gratitude
Negativity has become very prevalent in our world. If we keep focusing on it, it will grow. If you don’t like something, focus on what you like and be grateful for it. Energy goes where we focus. If you want something negative to fade away, choke off its energy.
This is why gratitude journals are so important. When we write down what we are grateful for, we focus on positivity. We can’t just write down what we are grateful for. We must feel that gratitude throughout our bodies. Let this gratitude consume us. We may have let negativity consume us, so why not replace it with gratitude?
The second thing I said we must do is have faith in ourselves. Many would say, “No, we need to have faith in God.” While faith in God may be important to you, having faith in yourself, in my opinion, is more important.
When we have faith in ourselves, we do have faith in God. God or the Universe is in each of us. Divine White Light dwells in all our hearts.
Faith in ourselves is important because it means we take responsibility for our lives. It means we accept that life doesn’t happen to us but that it happens because of us or for us.
This is where many people may get offended. They may say, “I didn’t cause that horrible thing that happened to me.” Do you believe God did? Did God put you here to be his punching bag? Sometimes it feels that way. I know I have often felt this way. But why would he do that to you? Would a mother have a baby so she could beat up that child? No, God did not make that happen to you. The negativity you are carrying around attracts that situation to you. Please release all the negativity to transform your life into an enhanced life.
The Beauty of Faith in Ourselves
“For us,” who missed that part of my sentence? Faith in ourselves means life happens for us. With this faith, we know we can create the life we want. All the success and good things we want are there, waiting for us to claim.
Go inside and find that faith. It is there, and you just need to release the negativity. You did not need to create faith in yourself; you were born with it. The faith in you has always been there. God put it there. You would never have learned to walk or talk if you didn’t have it.
The faith we have in ourselves is transformable. We now realize that we create our happiness and success. We can stop waiting for our lives to transform because of some outside force.
You will find faith in yourself when you have released all the negativity. With this faith, you can transform your life into an enhanced life!
Wishing you bliss!
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