Is the Anger You are Holding onto Necessary?



While trying to write this article about releasing anger, I realized I am holding onto too much anger myself. Unnecessary anger that is causing me unhappiness and hurting me in many ways, one being overreacting to different situations.

Is it Frustration or Anger?

I may sometimes feel angry due to frustration or fear, even if it’s not directly related to my current situation. Sometimes I find myself playing the victim; luckily, I recognize that it is my own doing and not justified.

With so much anger in our beautiful world, I do not wish to contribute; instead, I aspire to be a source of positivity and compassion. Therefore, I realize the need to control my anger.

Unwanted Path to Anger

We can feel angry for different reasons, including experiencing frustration, fear, striving for perfection, feeling overwhelmed, and struggling to forgive ourselves and others. Failing to handle these emotions effectively can eventually lead to anger.

By holding onto anger, we deprive ourselves of the beauty of life and cause unnecessary heartache.

In today’s world, there seems to be an excessive amount of unnecessary anger. People often get upset due to what they perceive as unfair treatment or when they believe someone else has something they don’t deserve. Disagreements with those who hold differing opinions can also lead to anger. Unfortunately, anger tends to be the default emotion when things don’t go as planned. People sometimes find reasons to be angry about almost anything, even when there is no justification.

Justified or Not

Sometimes, the anger may be justified; however, we only hurt ourselves when we hold on to it.

Someone in the past may have hurt you. They may have intended to cause harm, or it might have been unintentional. And sometimes, things happen by accident.

If they knowingly hurt you and you hold onto the anger that it caused, they got what they wanted. They move on and forget about what happened, while you may be stewing in anger, only to hurt yourself. If they did not realize they had hurt you, and you hold on to unnecessary anger, you are the only one hurting.

If it was an accident, that means there were no mal intentions. Accidents happen; staying angry over an accident can harm us or another person’s life.

Holding onto anger leads to an unpleasant life. It can lead to thoughts of revenge that are unlikely to solve the problem or alleviate the anger. Dwelling on these thoughts can intensify anger and worsen the situation.

Is the unnecessary anger you are holding directed at someone else or yourself?

What if the unnecessary anger you are holding on to is directed at yourself?

Many times, the anger we hold is directed toward ourselves. We struggle to forgive our mistakes and may even refuse to apologize for intentionally hurting others. This anger can fester and grow, potentially causing harm to those around us. We may exhibit it as road rage, a lack of kindness toward others, or even abusive behavior toward loved ones. It’s essential to address and process this anger to prevent it from affecting our relationships and behavior toward others.

Low self-esteem may be at the root of this problem, as our negative feeling about ourselves can trigger anger. However, working on our self-esteem can significantly impact how we view the world.


There are moments when our anger becomes suffocating and overwhelming. To regain clarity, it’s important to let it go. It’s not about avoiding anger altogether but about releasing it quickly. The decision to do so is in our hands. Anger is a natural emotion, but when we hold onto it for too long, it can take root in our minds. That’s why it’s crucial to discard negative thoughts immediately and not allow them to linger.

Seeking revenge against ourselves s impossible; plotting revenge against others is not a healthy solution. Therefore, learning how to forgive ourselves and others is crucial.

Frustration, fear, and anger are all valid emotions that we should acknowledge. The key is not allowing them to overpower our minds and take control of our actions. If you feel that you need to improve your positve outlook, I would recommend this positivity challenge. It may help to release frustration and anger.

When we choose to be free of unnecessary anger and bitterness, we can have a life of quality and beauty. Our lives can be enhanced when we choose forgiveness for ourselves and others.

Wishing you bliss!

2 responses to “Is the Anger You are Holding onto Necessary?”

  1. An inspired fan Avatar
    An inspired fan

    Again, your words and the way you present them remind me of a well-known author and motivational speaker who I find inspiring, just as I find YOUR words and the way YOU say them equally inspirational! Thank you!

    1. Perian Avatar

      Thank you. I am glad my words can be a source of inspiration.

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